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10 Suggestions for Maintaining Your Modular Kitchen at Its Best


Applying a methodical approach to kitchen upkeep entails following cleaning schedules, controlling stains, evaluating moisture damage, and doing hardware repair. These procedures can help your modular kitchen last much longer.

Ten maintenance suggestions to maximize your kitchen's longevity are provided below:

Make routine cleaning a priority.

It's critical to set up a regular cleaning program. Include weekly, monthly, biennial, and annual assignments. Cleaning is aided by simple everyday routines like sweeping floors, washing dishes right away, and wiping down countertops.

Cleaning can become less of a hassle and more enjoyable when the entire family participates.

Periodically, perform a deep cleaning

Never undervalue the importance of giving your home a deep clean. Periodically addressing places that are inaccessible is essential. A thorough deep clean should be performed by specialists at least once or twice a year.


Accept Structure

It's important to keep your kitchen tidy. Make sure to routinely declutter and give each item its own designated storage area. To maintain organization, encourage people to put away goods after using them in their proper locations.

Take Care of the Hinges

Maintain and inspect your cabinetry's hinges on a regular basis. Because they are essential to functionality, make sure they are in good condition. For increased convenience, think about switching to lift-ups and soft-close drawers.

Apply Mild Cleaning Techniques. Frequent wiping keeps tenacious debris from building up.


Take Care of Every Surface

All surfaces should be cleaned on a regular basis to keep the kitchen shining. Windows, walls, tiles, appliances, exhausts, and ceiling fans are among the places that are frequently disregarded. Overall cleanliness is ensured by frequent wiping.

Shut Cabinets While Preparing Food


Keep cabinets locked when cooking to reduce splatters of oil and spices. This procedure also guards against heat and steam damage to cabinets.

Change Cabinet Liners Frequently

If you use newspaper liners inside cabinets, make sure to change them once a month to keep cockroaches and other pests out.

Ascertain Adequate Ventilation

Occasionally let sunlight and fresh air into the kitchen to enhance ventilation. A kitchen with sufficient ventilation has a healthier atmosphere.

Put Pest Control Measures Into Practice

To avoid infestations, make an appointment for professional pest control services.

Kitchen hygiene is seriously threatened by insects like termites and cockroaches, which is why they need to be treated carefully.

You can simply extend the life of your kitchen by using these maintenance suggestions, which will guarantee that it stays both aesthetically pleasing and practical for many years to come.

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